Your Vehicle: 2001 Ford Escort ZX2 L4-2.0L DOHC VIN 3
Vehicle » Starting and Charging » Charging System » Testing and Inspection » Component Tests and General Diagnostics » Generator Testing » Field Circuit Drain Test  
  Field Circuit Drain Test  

Connect the voltmeter negative lead to the generator rear housing for all of the following voltage readings:

  1. With the ignition switch turned to the LOCK position, connect the voltmeter positive lead to the voltage regulator F-terminal. The meter should indicate battery voltage if the system is operating normally. If less than battery voltage is indicated, proceed to Step 2 to find the cause of the current drain.
  2. Measure the voltage at the I-terminal with the ignition switch in the LOCK position. If voltage is indicated, REPAIR the I-circuit from the ignition switch to eliminate the voltage source.